Course Instructor

University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Human Neuropsychology (PSYCO377) January - April 2017

Course Description: Brain basis of cognition viewed through the lens of patients with brain damage. Topics include mood, motivation, perception, motor control, attention, memory, language, assessment, and rehabilitation. 

Received Excellence in Teaching Honor Roll with distinction.

Cognitive Psychology (PSYCO258) September - December 2016

Course Description: A survey of findings of theoretical issues in the study of cognition, such as perception, attention, knowledge representation, memory, learning, language, reasoning, and problem solving.

Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience (PSYCO375) July - August, 2015

Course Description: Brain basis of human cognition studied using a diverse range of techniques, with a focus on measures of brain activity such as functional neuroimaging and electrophysiology and on experimental findings in neurologically intact participants. Topics include perception, motor control, attention, memory, language, emotion, and development/aging. 

Course Instructor

NorQuest College, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Introduction to Psychology to Health-care professionals (PSYC1060) August 2016 - July 2017

Course Description: This course introduces the scientific study of behaviour and human development. You will learn terminology and theoretical concepts common to psychology. You will learn about the dominant theories in psychology today and the scientific process. You will also learn about human development across the lifespan; processes of the mind including consciousness, learning, and memory, cognition and intelligence, emotion and motivation; and social behaviour. The concepts of stress and health and psychological health and illness are introduced.

In-person and online instruction.